Category: Natural Gas Filters
Product Code: 2” Through 10” Line Size Filters

Balston Compressed Gas Filters

Balston high flow rate compressed gas filters offer exceptionally high efficiency coalescing filtration of compressed gas at high flow rates. Specifically designed to remove suspended liquids and dirt from pipeline natural gas, the housings are ASME Code Stamped up to 1440 psig. Equipped with Balston Microfibre® Grade DX Disposable Filter Cartridges, the filters are rated at 93% retention of 0.01 micron and essentially 100% retention of 5 micron liquid droplets and particles.

Since the coalesced liquid drains continuously from the filter cartridges as rapidly as it is collected, the filters have an unlimited capacity for liquid removal.

Each filter cartridge is mounted on a rigid permanent filter holder with a vibration-resistant removable tube retainer. The filter cartridge is self-gasketing, and the filter holder is designed so that a perfect seal is easily made, even when the tube is replaced by an operator unfamiliar with the equipment.

Series AKH, and AHC housings are available with inlet and outlet ports covering the range from 2” to 10” pipe sizes. The standard carbon steel units have pressure ratings from 665 to 1440 psig (46 to 99 barg).

Each AHC assembly is equipped with internal support cores and one set of filter cartridges. Also available is a complete line of stainless steel filter housings ASME code stamped for a rated maximum operating pressure of 200 psig (14 barg).

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